English Style Home Decoration

Tips For Decorating English Style Home

English Style Home Decoration

Most of us look for a warm and elegant style when decorating our living room, and since there are many styles. Sometimes we are a little difficult to choose just one, but if we choose to decorate in English style have the right balance of warmth and quality and elegance. But many of us as we are a bit complicated decoration; today I give you a few tips to decorate the room English style.

English Style Home Decoration

English Style Furniture for Living

When we speak of the English style, we have to take into account the time in which we want to base to decorate the room, which is if we want this to look in a Louis XV or Louis XIV. But this does not mean we have to buy our furniture in a museum.

Simply, we can use old style furniture, clear or colored velvet preferably should be dark. We can also choose to decorate the room with upholstered chairs prints. These can be light colored with dark or dark to light tones.

English Style Home Decoration

We can put a carved wooden table, but, if we have a table like this, you can also use a flat table. To give it a homier, we can put a cover embroidered or lace tablecloth on the table.

Colors and Decorations to Decorate

English Style Home Decoration

As with Cottage style decor to decorate the walls of the room can use floral prints, but if we want to paint the walls, you can use cream and pastel colors.

It is preferable that the curtains in the room are long, slightly contrasting with the chairs. We can use velvet or lace curtains for a touch more elegant decor of our room, but we can use other material, although it is always better not to have a pattern too profuse.

English Style Home Decoration

And to give it more elegant curtains, we can use a golden or black belt with which we can collect during the day. Preferably the tape or strip curtains use to attach either a contrasting color to the curtains.

To decorate the room old style can put pictures on the walls and in the center of the table a small vase with floral ornaments, a beautiful and elegant calendar.

English Style Home Decoration

Decorate the room English style decision that will result is charming and elegant. And the best part is that not only can you apply this style to the room, and you can decorate your room or take the English style to decorate the kitchen.

English Style Home Decoration


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